Quest:Hindering the Horde

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Hindering the Horde
Level 80
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Any drake
Starts at Wyrmdelf
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [45.0S, 61.5W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Group Entwash Vale
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The drakes of Wyrmdelf have laid an enormous number of eggs, creating a threat that the Rohirrim might not be able to overcome.

You should destroy as many of the eggs as possible.


The drakes of Wyrmdelf have laid an enormous number of eggs, creating a threat that the Rohirrim might not be able to overcome.

Objective 1

  • Destroy drake-eggs
You should cull the drake-horde by destroying their eggs

Objective 2

  • Destroy drake-eggs (0/15)

Drake-eggs can be found in nests throughout the Wyrmdelf.

You should destroy any drake-eggs you find in the Wyrmdelf.